Calling all crew leaders and volunteers!

Wheatland planning calls start this week, and will continue on the second Thursday for the next couple of months.
Call 515-604-9335, enter code 550272# to join the call on May 9 at 7 pm.
This week’s call will be focused on input from crew leaders and workers to create the items we need to address going forward.

  • June 13 – Snack bar
  • July 11 – Menu
  • August 8 – Finalize staffing and any outstanding issues

Please join us! Your input is important!

High Level Nuclear Waste Dump Evidentiary Hearing

Breaking News: On May 7th, 2019, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for the proposed high-level nuclear waste dump site in New Mexico, ruled that there would be no evidentiary hearing. Some of the intervening groups received legal standing; however, none of the contentions submitted by intervening groups were allowed. The coalition that CACC is part of, (addressing the critical issue of nation-wide transportation of these lethal wastes to the site), was denied standing. The ruling will be appealed. Read more here:

CACC Board of Director Candidates – Term 6/2019 – 6/2020

Election of Directors will be held during CACC’s annual General Membership Meeting at the Pere Marquette Library, Clare, on June 1. These current directors are running for an additional term.  Nominations are accepted from the floor at the GMM.

Information on the GMM can be found at this link.

Chambre Beauvais

Connie Beauvais

Murry DeSanto

Ann Hunt

Chance Hunt

Phill Hunt

Victor McManemy

Steve Sanderson

Laura Sanderson

John Witucki

Stanley Yascolt