The first newsletter of 2018 has been published. You can download it here.
Category Archives: CACC News
Safe Water in Michigan
Michigan’s water crisis is not just a Flint problem. Dozens of communities all across Michigan still have lead in their pipes, putting the health of many families at risk. Our state leaders have recently proposed solutions to address this outstanding and ongoing crisis, and they are now asking the public for feedback on the proposal. This is our moment to stand up for safe drinking water.
There are an estimated half-million lead service lines across Michigan that each day threaten the health of Michigan residents. The failure to address our lead problem sooner has put our most vulnerable communities at risk.
As part of a larger statewide effort to reduce lead exposure, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has drafted proposed changes to the Lead and Copper Provisions of the Michigan Safe Drinking Water Act. Starting today, February 15th, until Wednesday, March 7th, the DEQ will accept your public comment.
We need to speak up loud and clear and tell our state leaders they need to be focused on replacing lead service lines the right way to keep lead out of our drinking water. They need to figure out where all the lead service lines are and where action is most urgently needed, and keep families safe during the replacement period while ensuring the solution is affordable.
How You Can Get Involved:
1. Submit your public comment to the DEQ.
2. Attend the DEQ Public Hearing on Thursday, March 1, 2018. Michigan LCV Regional Coordinators are happy to help draft public comments and will organize transportation for those who need assistance getting to Lansing.
Every one of us needs to get involved in some way to help ensure the safety and health of our communities.
Thank you for taking action!
Baldomero Gonzalez
Political and Outreach Director
Public Meeting and Hearing
EPA is seeking further comments on its proposed draft permit for Wexford Water Technologies, permit number MI-165-1I-0002.
March 21, 2018
Public meeting
6 to 7:30 p.m.
Public hearing
7:30 to 9 p.m.
Cadillac Senior High School Auditorium
400 Linden Street
Cadillac, MI
New Comment Period
EPA will accept written comments until March 23, 2018 (midnight postmark).
The original comment period ended in November 2017.
Jeffrey Wawczak
Environmental Scientist
United States Environmental Protection Agency
77 West Jackson Blvd. (WU-16J)
Chicago IL 60604
A fact from the EPA can be downloaded by clicking this link.