Earth Day 2023

There’s plenty you can do!  Here are some events happening around the state of MI.  Activities vary from Planting flowers & trees, to learning about pollinators, even competing in a pickleball tournament.

In Flint, MI Thursday April 20 from 5pm – 7pm You can Celebrate Earth Day by Painting pots, planting flowers, starting seeds to take home and enjoy some refreshments by attending APRIL FAMILY FUN NIGHT Earth Day 2023.

In downtown Plymouth, MI 9am – 3pm  you can stop by the Artisan Market to learn about pollinator habitat and native plants for more information click here: Spring Artisan Market in DTP – Earth Day — Plymouth Pollinators.

The Grand Rapids Pickleball Club is hosting an Earth Day Open Tournament.  This will be a round robin event sponsored by Revolin Sports who will be donating a tree for every registration given through One Tree Planted Friday April 21 through Sunday April 23.  More information here: Earth Day Open — West Michigan Sports Commission,

Go to Bellaire MI for an Earth Day Bird walk among other activities. Information follows: Earth Day 2023 Events & Celebrations in Bellaire, MI.

South West Michigan Land Conservatory is hosting a Volunteer workday at the Bow in the clouds Preserve in Kalamazoo.  Something for all ages and abilities see how you can help: SWMLC Earth Day Volunteer Workday, 22 April | Event in Kalamazoo |

Find activities locally by simple searching “Earth Day Events near me” in Google.

Water Fest sure to make a splash!

Bring your favorite lawn chair to Mill Pond Park on Sunday July 9th for the Chippewa River Water Festival! The free concert will run from 12pm to 9pm.

Mill Pond Park
607 S Adams st
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858

Check out the fb event

Performers and Guest Speakers:
Steve & Mae Pego – Stories & Water Ceremony
Open Range
Alicia Patch Oldham – Michigan Poet
Stephanie Terpening
Lynn Dominguez – American Canoe Association
The Mudpuppys
Jeff Ostahowski – MCWC
Hawks & Owls
Mark Cole – Walk for Water
Barbarossa Brothers
Mystic Dub

Outreach Education & Vendors
Grand Rapids Water Protectors
Little Forks Conservancy
Naturally Yours By Well Oiled Mama
Chippewa Nature Center
Chippewa Watershed Conservancy
Mt. Pleasant Discovery Museum
Photography by Lorena Smith
Saginaw Chippewa Tribal College
Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation
Explore Chiropractic
Designed Henna Tattoos
American Canoe Association
Canoe Reflections
Canoe-Camping for Women
Marilyn Richmond Cards & Jewelry
Greentree Co-Op
Pita Pit
Los Jalapenos

Sponsors and Supporters
Watershed Initiative Network
Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe
Isabella Community Credit Union
Kerr & Utt Trust & Estate, Elder Law Firm, PLLC
Hometown Health Foods
Mt Pleasant Parks and Recreation
D Clare Services

T-Shirt Graphic Design Contest winning entry by Spencer Wehner

CACC would like to extend a hearty THANK YOU to everyone who has helped make this festival a reality! See you there! Extra special thanks to our co-coordinators Taylor Hollis – Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe, Carol Moody – Mt Pleasant Parks & Rec, and Liz Busch – Buckley’s Mountainside Canoes

Want to help CACC continue this and other great programs? Make a tax deductible donation today! [paypal_donation_button]

Public EPA Hearing Clare, Michigan – Enhanced Oil Recovery

The proposed operation would inject perfectly good clean water into an oilfield in order to increase production. The injection process increases the pressure in the underground oil reserve, and more oil may become available at nearby wells.

EPA is seeking comments on the Holcomb 1-22 well, draft permit number MI-035-2R-0034.

Thursday, July 25
6:00 to 7:30 p.m.

Public EPA hearing
7:30 to 9:30 p.m.

Clare High School
201 E. State St.
Clare, Michigan

The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency plans to allow Muskegon Development Company, 1425 South Mission Road, Mount Pleasant, Michigan to inject fluid underground by approving the company’s application for what EPA calls a Class II injection well permit.

If EPA makes its approval final, Muskegon Development Company may inject fresh water for enhanced oil recovery into a rock formation 4948 feet below the surface through the Holcomb 1-22 injection well near N. Athey and E. Townline Lake Roads in Hamilton Township of Clare County.

Holcomb 1-22 wellhead – Photo provided by anonymous source

Muskegon Development Company has also applied for a permit from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ).

EPA received requests for a public hearing on this proposed permit approval. EPA will hold a public meeting and hearing Tuesday, July 25. During the hearing, you will have an opportunity to make oral comments or submit written comments. EPA will consider all comments it receives, and then issue a final decision along with a response to the significant comments.

The new public comment period ends Friday, July 28.

CACC is working with Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation to bring this issue to the public’s attention, educate the public about this and other injection wells, and to support public comment at the EPA meeting.

See the facebook event at 
and stay tuned for more information…