***Communications ALERT***


UPDATE: The @caccmi.org email server is working again. For now. Please continue to be advised of these alternative contacts for CACC communications. The emailcacc@gmail.com address will be checked for incoming mail indefinitely. Feel free to write to that address.


We are having some technical difficulties with the caccmi.org email system. If you are trying to contact CACC, please do so using the following means:

1. email to emailcacc@gmail.com

2. If you are a facebook user, please join the CACC fb groups.
There is a general communications platform group
and a group specifically for Wheatland volunteers.
(Wheatland volunteers are encouraged to join both groups)

3. telephone 989.544.3318
The office is generally open during business hours on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as we can.

Please continue to try various ____@caccmi.org addresses. They will hopefully work again soon, and seem to be working intermittently.

We regret any inconvenience this may cause, and hope we’ll all still be able to reach each other sufficiently through these alternative means. Stand by for further updates.

Stop the Great Lakes Nuclear Dump!

Nuclear waste burial site proposed at the Bruce Power Station in Ontario, on the shore of Lake Huron 


The proposed nuclear waste deep-burial site would be less than 3/4th of a mile from the shore of Lake Huron.
The Bruce Power Station is the largest nuclear power facility in the world
The Bruce Power Station is the largest nuclear power facility in the world

For details on this issue see:
this media release from Beyond Nuclear

Watch this video to get a sense of the enormity of the Bruce site

Dr Patrick Moore claims glyphosate pesticide is safe to drink – Immediately refuses to drink it

A video is currently circulating on the
international environmental scene.

Two very powerful lessons can be learned from this video.
1. Glyphosate is not actually safe to drink
2. When you say something is safe to drink, you better be ready to drink it.

Dr. Patrick Moore, who years ago left Greenpeace to work as an industry mouthpiece for corporations like Monsanto, was being interviewed for Argentinian television when the following exchange took place.

Moore: …do not believe that glyphosate in Argentina is causing increases in cancer. You can drink a whole quart of it and it won’t hurt you.

Interviewer: You want to drink some? We have some here.

Moore: I’d be happy to actually.

Interviewer: Yeah?!

Moore: …not …not really, but….

Interviewer: Not really?
Moore: I know it wouldn’t hurt me.
Interviewer: If you say so. I have some glyphosate…
Moore: No no. I’m not stupid.


Interviewer: Ah, ok. So you say it’s dangerous right?

Moore: No. People have tried to commit suicide with it and failed. Failed irregularly[sic].

Interviewer: Let’s tell the truth. It’s dangerous to…

Moore: It’s not dangerous to humans. No, it’s not

Interviewer: So are you ready to drink one glass of glyphosate.

Moore: No. I’m not an idiot.

Interviewer: Oh.

Moore: Interview me about Golden Rice(tm) that’s what I’m talking about!

Interview: We did. We did.

Moore: Than the interview is finished.

Interviewer: That’s a good way to solve things.

Moore: Yeah. You’re a complete jerk.

…at which point Dr. Moore left the set.