Citizen Power Demonstrated in Lansing

January 14th, hundreds of Flint Citizens marched on the capitol, occupying the rotunda and gallery within the capitol building. They called for Governor Snyder’s resignation and/or arrest in connection with the Flint Water Crisis.

1-14-16 FWC protest

In 2014, the City of Flint, under “Emergency Management” through Snyder’s own law and appointments, switched to using the Flint River as a drinking water supply. A dark saga unfolded from e. coli, to Trihalomethanes, to lead poisoning, and now legionnaires disease.

While deafening calls for his resignation and arrest filled the capitol building, Snyder phoned the White House asking President Obama to declare a federal state of emergency and provide federal assistance to the People of Flint.

If this is what a few hundred Citizens can accomplish in an afternoon, imagine what a few hundred thousand of us could accomplish in a summer.

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Sustainable Garden and Kitchen – Mulch Tips from Shady Grove Farm

by Randy Buchler

At Shady Grove Farm we rebuilt our old strawberry patch and planted new plants. I researched environmentally friendly ground cover for weed suppression, but didn’t find anything that met my picky requirements. So, I brainstormed…finally figuring out that if we cut the unopened end of our 3 ply empty chicken feed bags and then slice up the sides, it would create a large piece of ground cover that we could cover the mounds with and then plant the berry plants in holes that we cut in the paper.

The second project involved using pallets (cut in half-ish) to “fence in” our newer strawberry patch so I could stretch the bird netting from the greenhouse ribbon board to cover them. You will also notice the use of bale twine.

Cutting the 3 ply bags open makes it possible to rid them of the strings and unfold them to double the space they cover. Working out really well so far.

The failure of commercial availability of environmentally friendly materials sometimes leads us to a better alternative, and this is a perfect example of that.  Not just environmentally friendly and toxic free, but includes the upcycling of a material that is on the farm as a byproduct of feeding organic feed.

The absence of environmentally sound farming products, like a good toxic/chemical free ground cover/weed suppressant, also promotes and encourages creativity through brain storming a wide array of ideas!

Shady Grove Farm U.P. is a small, diversified family farm located in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.  The farm is Certified Naturally Grown, utilizes permaculture practices, adheres to strict and environmentally sound farming practices/standards, and became environmentally verified through the Michigan Department of Ag and Rural Development’s MAEAP (Michigan Agricultural Environmental Assurance Program) in 2012.  One of the things Shady Grove Farm strives to do is to maintain a “zero tolerance” to toxins or contaminants that may compromise the quality of food and farm products, as well as the soil and environment.  Because of these high standards, often times it is hard to find commercial products that fit into our vision.  This, in turn, forces us to get creative. But, that is what helps us to keep the integrity in farming!

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Increase In Antarctic Ice Does NOT Refute Climate Change!


While slight cooling trends sometimes prevail inland, the Antarctic coast is feeling the heat.
While slight cooling trends sometimes
prevail inland, the Antarctic coast is
feeling the heat.

A new study has recently brought the discovery of a slight increase in the Antarctic continental ice pack. Climate change deniers are, of course, implying these findings refute climate science. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

An iceberg that calved off Iceberg B-15 caused extensive pack ice buildup in McMurdo Sound, blocking shipping and preventing penguin access to open water
An iceberg that calved off Iceberg B-15 caused extensive pack ice buildup in McMurdo Sound, blocking shipping and preventing penguin access to open water

Nasa reports that despite the reported gains in ice on the continent of Antarctica, global sea ice is still diminishing.

When sea ice melts, dark waters are exposed. The dark ocean surface absorbs more of the suns warming rays than the white reflective ice surface, and the warming cycle is strengthened. The warming sea temperatures bring more active and warmer weather on land nearby, aggravating land ice loss, the greatest contributor to sea level rise.

Most of the warming is taking place in the Arctic anyway.
But, deniers like to rail on about Antarctica when it’s the end of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. They say “Look at all the ice down there, global warming is false!”, and hope we forget that in Antarctica, it’s been winter for the last eight months.

While local residents are unable unwilling to comment. The effect on their daily life is clear. For penguins, as for us all, climate change is life threatening.
While local residents are unwilling to comment, the effect on their daily life is clear. For penguins, as for us all, climate change is life threatening.

Just to drive it home, here’s Margaret Thatcher warning us all about Climate Change from way back in the 1980’s. Enjoy.